I love kabocha pumpkins, and definitely prefer them over any field or pie pumpkin. These smaller five-pounders are a perfect size and are drier and have a nuttier flavor. Because they have a great smooth texture, they're just superior and excellent in any recipe. They're delicious roasted or mashed, and can be used in savory recipes like my mom's kabocha with ground pork in black bean sauce (available in The Chinese Kitchen Garden book), or in sweet recipes such as a classic American pumpkin pie or in cakes and other treats. I've even made some flavorful and creamy ice cream with kabochas in the past. One of my favorite desserts is the Thai sankaya - made by filling the hollowed out Kabocha with a coconut custard and then steaming the whole thing. Delicious and so pretty when served in slices!
Kabochas are easy to grow as long as you have some space in the garden and can usually be found in Asian supermarkets as well. You'll be a kabocha convert the first time you try it!
AuthorI'm Wendy Kiang-Spray, gardener, home cook, and author of The Chinese Kitchen Garden. Learn more about the book here. Enjoy the blog and be sure to like The Chinese Kitchen Garden Facebook page for notifications when there are new posts. Archives
April 2019